Two things always matter in life; 1. Time 2. Resources. And, who does make the best out of these two is always on the winning side, The same is also applicable for small-scale businesses as well. For a small-scale business, it’s natural to face challenges ahead and to deliver desired output, ensuring a great customer experience. And, customers always stay loyal to brands that have a good rapport with the customers and it’s only possible with viable customer support service. Cloud telephony systems can be a real help when it comes to providing a great customer experience 24/7. Why need cloud telephony? Let’s explain your core.

Customers often get irritated and bound to switch the competitors only for poor quality products or service-related issues, if their concerns are not addressed on time. For bigger brands, it may not be a big deal as they have reputations for years, but too for small businesses, it can be a matter of real worry. Small businesses simply can’t afford to lose a single customer or ignore their queries by any means. They can end up in the receiving end that in turn hurts their future aspirations. They can fall even before they see a rise. 

What are the problems small businesses often face?

  • Will small business telephone systems be able to avoid those long hold times?
  • Can they serve over multi-channels?
  • Can they guarantee 100% data privacy?
  • Would they alert you in case of missed calls and relinquished calls?
  • Would customers be able to interface with them from your website?

Be it for better or worse, business pundits would certainly agree that the pandemic has shifted the dynamics in all possible directions starting from the point of sale (POS) to client acquisition and retention. These days, businesses can reach their target customers via social media and the same is applicable for the customers as well. Their mobile phone, rather than the work area can be a great help. The growing expectation and demand for better service have given the lead to 24 x 7 customer support, and it’s a must for organizations of all sizes. Also, as an independent venture, you have numerous needs as well. You have to strike a perfect balance between investment & return on investment. You can take a look at this short rundown:

  • Growing & scaling your business
  • Creating a customer base.
  • Managing operational & personnel costs
  • Profit optimization & ROI
  • Multi-channel customer communication
  • Customer relationship management

What do you need to stay on top?

Why would people waste their valuable time behind a brand that doesn’t listen to them? Put yourself in a customer’s shoe, would you? Definitely not! Most small-scale businesses have understood the importance of client communication and the need for cloud telephony to improve their bottom line. So, for any business customer support holds the key.

It is no uncertainty, an overwhelming assignment to look for and select the correct innovation-based arrangement that accommodates your business’ present and future needs. This is made all the more testing and confounding in the present time of simple access to enormous measures of data through a huge number of channels.

How to select a cloud telephony system for small businesses?

  • Is it cost-efficient: The first & foremost thing for a small business is to find a solution that’s cost-effective and is highly efficient at the same time? And, you couldn’t have found a better solution than a cloud telephony system. Because of programming as an administration (SaaS) choice that is sent in the cloud, all you need is a good internet connection and you are right on your money.
  • Unified Communication: Its multi-channel integration feature allows customers to reach businesses over various channels that include – phone, email, social networking sites, instant messaging to name a few. A cloud telephony system works over these multi-media stations and unifies your business communication with 100% proficiency.
  • CRM Integration: CRM integration is a must for any business phone system. Cloud-based solutions incorporate all major CRM and ticketing applications. This is a huge plus to any computerized networking solution.
  • Employee Productivity Booster: With the introduction of the powerful IVR systems, there seen a seer rise in employee productivity. They not only save their time but empower them to do some real work that can yield better results. 
  • Remote Flexibility: Features that allow employees to work with more flexibility from the comfort of their homes. They can be available 24/7, from any corner of the world.

As a start-up or small business, you have nothing to lose, but a world to gain – if you have the right phone system with you. And, cloud telephony can prove to be a game-changer for your business. Try it!

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