Different Ways To Leverage Cloud Telephony For Your Business. Must Know!

Don’t you think that Cloud Telephony plays a major role for both startups as well as established businesses? Well, Undoubtedly YES! Because Cloud Telephony is the only left-out magic solution that intersects scale and service. Isn’t it? And to bring a revolutionary change in the company and the customer interactions as well, Cloud Telephony is the best technology. With everyone clearly predicting that the cloud is the next big thing, Cloud computing has of late become the ubiquitous business tool. 

However, there is another quiet but significant rider on the same cloud wave which is Cloud Telephony of now businesses all over the world are quickly adopting cloud computing for a host of good reasons. 

Below are the 8 different ways to leverage Cloud Telephony being an asset for every business, no matter what:

  1. Smooth Customer Support:  Always remember that field customer calls can be overwhelming being an integral part of every business. However, they cover various factors such as they run over time,  they need your executives solving different issues, they come from multiple locations,  missed calls are beeping forever, and last but least they need your executives fixed to their seats. And with the ability to receive multiple calls in parallel, track time, record calls to analyze issues and route calls cloud telephony makes call management infinitely easy. 
  1. Supports Remote Working:  Well, because of this pandemic everyone wants that sincere support from their organization to work remotely and be safe. And allows employees to take calls from their own mobile devices which is only possible through telephony that inherently supports today’s remote and flexible work culture. Isn’t it great? However, cloud telephony makes it easy to allow employees to work from wherever they are as many businesses today operate from multiple locations. Without compromising on the quality of their work customer support, previously seen as a function tethered to a desk and a telephone can now happen from anywhere.
  1. Gives Detailed Call Analytics:  On every call and SMS sent or received, cloud telephony provides accurate information. However, companies can analyze patterns related to issues like call volumes, time is taken to solve the query, the number of missed calls, etc using the data, Improving response quality directly helps in streamlining response rates.
  1. Intuitive Call flows: By enabling you to greet your customers according to the seasons, special days and even time of the day cloud telephony enables customization of call flows. However, it is quick to set up and alter with a simple click of the button or a drag-and-drop of a few elements since it is all managed by the software. 
  1. Assures Call Privacy:  However,  for most businesses phone numbers have become the unique identifier. Isn’t it? And it is being misused is on the rise which is why the number of instances of these phone numbers. Without knowing or accessing each other’s numbers cloud telephony enables number masking, which means that employees and customers can talk to each other.
  1. Helps In Expansion Plans:  Well, always keep in mind that every business almost wants to scale up, but this does not happen without happy customers. And to care for your customers switching to cloud telephony systems makes it lighter and faster. Somehow scaling up suddenly looks less daunting with rich features that come for a fraction of the cost of the traditional system. And scaling does not have to include costs on additional infrastructure or manually adding systems which is the biggest advantage that comes with cloud telephony. So to make more calls and reach more people, Cloud telephony allows the modifications of users through a few mouse clicks and allows freedom. However, by knowing the fact that the cost is only reflective of the usage. 
  1. Puts The Focus Back On The Core Business:  Well, being an important function cloud telephony takes away the burden of hiring, training, and maintaining a huge team on an auxiliary. And most other companies have the customer support team operating to support their other core functions like product development and marketing in business models that have customer support as the core function, like the Call Centers. However, leaving the teams to focus on core areas of the business again always prefer cloud telephony as it is like outsourcing this critical but auxiliary function to an expert at a fraction of the cost.
  1. Reach The Non-Tech-Savvy:  Moreover, by penetrating areas with people who have only a simple mobile phone for technology, just think about cloud telephony which is emerging as a major game-changer in social innovation and campaigning. And by just providing a virtual telephone number to call to reach out to farmers in remote areas social start-ups are using the service. Last but not least with the public through this service Nationwide initiatives like Digital India and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan initiatives have already seen increased engagement. Isn’t it great news? 


Being the stakeholder in this industry, VoIPTech Solutions incorporates a dynamic service which is Cloud Telephony. We believe in providing the best Cloud Telephony at the most economical price. Or we can say that providing a Telephony customer ease. For more info, please call: +91-8800221713. For more info, please visit our website: https://voiptechsolutions.in/.Â