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What were the technologies you last remember dating back to your school day? Starting from traditional chalk & duster to modern-day laptops & interactive whiteboards, we have come a long way, experiencing different ages going through a transformation. But the real challenge arrived with the lockdown, where institutions looked for a better alternative that can bring students the real classroom experience. Thanks to VoIP Technology, schools, colleges, and universities are not only able to continue the education with virtual classrooms, but also make some actual savings. How did VoIP Technology help?

The role of cloud-based communication(VoIP Technology) systems shaping lockdown education.

Remember the old days, where a single phone line connecting parents with the teachers or concerned faculties with those long waiting queues. Well, that will not serve in your best interest. 2021 has brought a lot of changes with its fold, the VoIP phone system has taken it to the next level. To get an education, you do not necessarily reach the premises, the premises can be brought to you through the amazing features of VoIP.

  • The IVR systems let the messages reach their target audience, even when the teacher on the other side is on a constant move. 
  • Intelligent call routing and call hunt groups play a crucial role by taking certain things into account, like what next, holiday updates, schedules, etc.
  • Endpoints are available in literally every available classroom, on the devices that are preferred by the teaching staff. 
  • Message broadcasting that is from one-to-many
  • voicemail-to-email transcription feature allows teachers to receive and scan urgent messages without creating any kinds of hindrance in the ongoing classes.
  • Working productively together: This means, managing the available resources all together in the most effective way. For example, teachers can give new assignments to students, using their mobile devices, aspiring students can contact the admission department on dedicated lines, putting an end to that regular chaos.
  • Empowering medical, engineering, banking, & other competitive coaching institutes: Educational institutes, providing coaching classes for engineering medical, banking, and other competitive exams can certainly take advantage of VoIP Technology. Streamlined and efficient communications with the highest quality audio and video calling set the stage for a bright future. 

Students fearing backlash for raising a doubt or those who don’t get it on the first go, can ask their mind and see the video tutorials later to clarify their doubts.

  • Improved security and highest safety: Efficiency matters, but safety matters the most. It’s the sole responsibility of educational institutes to keep their students safe, by effectively addressing individual needs, taking care of the group as a whole. Students can get access to education in a much secure environment than too from the comfort of their home.
  • Supporting blended learning: With remote learning has become the new norm, the need for a supporting system for blended learning is inevitable. Thanks to the cloud-based VoIP phone system again, institutes can easily segment the contact list for effective group communication and manage them by class assignments through video calling, group chats.
  • Student helplines: Students can connect to the authorities and report about certain incidents, getting responses on the immediate effect. With VoIP phone systems, they can report serious things such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination based on color, cast, & race without the knowledge of the party involved. This also gives management an upper hand to deal with the situations without creating chaos. Students feel comfortable & empowered to raise their voice without fearing the consequences that eventually help educational institutions to make a better policy and implement them with a 100% success rate.

Introducing to the future of flexible learning:

The use of various collaboration technology and e-learning platforms has given a sense of flexible learning in the near future. Of course, the pandemic is not here to stay, everything will be back to normal, but the need for a flexible learning platform can make things a lot more easier and effective. It’s not the students who will be benefited, you can bring the educational institutes and parents in the loop to make huge savings as well. The technology has proved its worth and expected to showcase more of its technical prowess, by transforming the educational system as a whole.

The educational institutions that have already embraced this new change, have taken the first step towards the modernization of education. And, they will be the biggest gainers in the forthcoming future. A VoIP-based phone system is the best way to reach students and connect with them, bringing education to their homes. 

If you’re looking for the most advanced VoIP phone system to expand your educational capabilities, then we can help you get there by leveraging the benefits of online education. We offer you a robust and fully-functional AI-powered IVR system that works on any device. Our paid VoIP MInutes plan starts at $10 per month and goes up to $20 per month. Our VoIP services come with an extensive range of features to meet your business requirements. Sign Up and get FREE $5 credit today! For further queries, you can speak to our experts on: +91-6746828203 or send an email to: