Name any sales executives who are successful in their niche market would tell you, their work is all about convincing people that they are the best in the market. That sense of trustworthiness is a result of the connection they make and the relationship they build on an individual level. And, the connection is only possible when two individuals can hear & understand each other. Here, VoIP Business Phone System plays the role of a deal maker. How do VoIP Business Phone Systems help?

If you talk about 2021 in particular, the data shows that the success rate of sales executives is directly proportional to the online tools they have. Their activities have become 100% online-based, as a result of almost 80% of the global workforce are working from remote locations, and it has become the new face-to-face.

With 95% of interactions taking place online, the virtual has become the new mantra for success. The definition of sales has certainly changed, the change is for sole good reasons. Salespeople who are well versed with cloud-based tools are the biggest superstars in their respective organizations, they can now expand their horizons by reaching the unreachables while sitting at home. This is only possible because of the unique sales skills they possess and the power of VoIP business phone systems.

What propels remote sales agents to build a good rapport?

Learning new skills and command over communication are the two deciding factors of deal maker & deal breaker. However, the virtual atmosphere possesses a major challenge for the salespeople to keep going. Thanks to the video calling tools that help connect the team working from different locations to interact and meet to prepare a sales strategy. It is also helpful for individuals as they can record the sessions for learning purpose 

Here are a few tips that will help connect with your clients and team:

  • No matter what, always try to start with video calling if possible. The available bandwidth or network connectivity may vary with locations, but starting with video at least for a minute does highlight your prospects.
  • A short & quirky video message, along with a screen sharing option, even sending an audio clip, can turn the tide in your favor. It would be a warm and more personalized one than the email.
  • Don’t forget to use the screen-sharing tools. They allow people on the other side to see what you want to show them and understand your point. The result is, you are not losing a prospect’s engagement.
  • Bringing in the key takeaways from the past conversations can be a real help. If your business phone system is integrated with your CRM, then you can have the client data on your fingertips that are on your computer screen.
  • Be a pro-active listener. No matter whether you are on a video call or audio call, listening to the conversation and understanding key points shows how deeply you are involved in the project. It gives your clients a sense of reliability that you are the right person for the job.
  • Deals should not be limited to the professional level only. Do try to make connections outside the phone calls. You can follow your prospective clients on social media and wish them on special occasions. By doing this you can win their trust and expect a long-term collaboration, which is good for your profession.

Why is the VoIP business phone system good for both managers & teams alike?

Managing the workforce working from remote locations is not an easy job at all. You need to make sure everyone feels empowered and finds support on time. With the help of a robust VoIP phone system, you can definitely boost their technical prowess and get the best out of their working hours.

The advantages, including:

  • With CRM integration, your lead management & follow-up becomes robust. You can easily share the inbound inquiries and monitor the exact outcome.
  • With the IVR system in place, you can make sure not a single inbound call goes unanswered.
  • With a user-friendly app integration, your agents can log in from their computer or smartphone without having to worry about the endpoint connection and hardware installation. They can start working from anywhere, anytime.
  • You are powered with the metrics to monitor the outcome of the entire sale irrespective of the location. This way you can know what is working fine and the things that need to be done in order to improve the ROI.
  • More savings. No more telephone bills, the extra burden of travel expenses that usually come from meeting the prospective clients on-site.
  • Instantly scalable solutions such as; obtaining virtual numbers and adding new extensions on-demand in a quick session of time. The cost per user is very transparent. 
  • You can maximize the potential of sales agents with the powerful auto-dialer software. The software will take care of the numbers to be dialers so that your agents can focus on something more productive.
  • With a centralized call recording storage system integrated with the CRM — you can access all the information for quality and training purposes. With the help of this client conversation reading, a salesperson can find out the competitive verticals that help him/her get into the skin of clients’ business objectives. It helps secure a long-term association with the clients.

Why are remote sales executives the biggest gainers?

The cloud-based business phone system empowers people in many ways and virtual sales agents are not the exception. In fact, the phone is the best weapon to have in your armor. Advanced features powered by intelligent cloud telephony empower you to have a deep understanding of your target audience and hopefully convert them into potential clients. 

By having all the client information at the fingertips, agents can answer their queries in no time, leaving no stone unturned to give them the best experience. Thanks to the CRM integration, this is such a powerful & useful asset to have. Another thing is the flexibility that cloud telephony offers is second to none. You can make calls and calls can find you, wherever you are, on the device of your choice. The smart IVR system ensures that incoming callers reach you fast. With all these benefits, you are not going to miss the office premises, while at the same time enjoying the work from home.

The VoIP phone system is the biggest asset when you’re remote selling. Do make sure you hire the right VoIP provider to get the job done. Are you a service-based business, looking for affordable VoIP Providers that can provide you with advanced VoIP phone systems and the required software to support remote sales teams? You couldn’t have a better choice than VoIPTech Solutions. We offer you VoIP phones with call center software that not only empower your sales team but also make sales more fun. Save big with our paid VoIP MInutes plan, starting from only $10. For further queries, please call: +91-6746828203.