Where do your business communication ranks in 2021? The rate at which VoIP technology is getting constant upgrades it seems like change is the new constant. Be it a Business communication technology or software programming language that is making the rounds now may be of no use or lose its significance in the next few months or years – and it’s a fact! As businesses are investing heavily on R&D, regular tweak & improvement in the existing technologies has become the ultimatum. As a result, a new set of VoIP technologies, features, and apps, making a debut almost every day or month. To match the steps with this crazy pace of development, netizens have to keep themselves updated with the latest technological advancements.

Coming to the rise of communication technology, the need for a unified channel has become a must, thanks to the Covid-19 restrictions. Of late, but the pandemic has made businesses realize the importance of a solid & secure platform to keep functioning while maintaining the upward trajectory in the productivity graph.

Let’s take a look at the latest communication technology trends of 2021:

Adapting new technologies and making them a part of your communication system is vital to survive and sustain in this ever-changing marketing landscape. Especially when the market is unpredictable and has a higher probability of facing a pandemic-like situation in near future. After all, adding more tools to your arsenal enhances your business’s reach to a great extent. Here you go:

  • VoIP Phone Systems are the new-age communication miracle: Gone are the days of traditional landlines and their hefty bills. Welcome to the digital era with VoIP Phone Systems. Why just limit yourself to make calls, when you can do a lot more with your phones. Didn’t get it?

The rise of VoIP technology in planet communication is definitely lauded by the business pundits due to its technical superiority and cost-savvy features. Can you just rewind the time and go back to early 2020? Of course, nobody would like to, but do you remember how all the communication took place when the whole world was busy fighting the battle for survival? Well, things have never been the same without VoIP Technology. From being an optional communication clinch to leading from the front, VoIP has been the only thread that kept B2B & B2C communication intact. 

Coming to its advanced features, they have made smart devices even smarter and futuristic as well. Starting from intelligent call routing, auto-dialing, cloud-based app integration, to the auto attendant, enhanced voicemail, virtual numbers, to name a few, your phone can do much more than just calling. 

With work from is going to be the new norm, VoIP has become the flag bearer of all the technologies combined, giving businesses & individuals a unified platform to make Business communication without any difficulties.

  • 5G Rollout: According to recent studies, it is estimated that the number of devices connected to the Internet has already gone past 38.5 billion and digitalization may raise the tally in a year or two. Thus, the need for a faster, safer, and more reliable communication network has become a necessity for businesses from all walks of life. 4G is fast, but 5G is lightning-fast and more reliable in terms of network encryption. To stay ahead of the competition businesses need it the most. With a speed of up to 100 gigabits/second, it can fuel your business communication to move at an even faster pace.

The only barrier will be network congestion and bandwidth. As most of the devices have built-in 3G/4G network systems, fine-tuning with a network that is about 100 times faster than the previous version would be a matter of concern. However, a smooth transition of infrastructure will ensure zero hassle with an improved security level. Two, three years from now who knows where we might land up, 6G…!

  • Artificial Intelligence: Seeing through the lens of Artificial Intelligence, businesses can predict things much before they are going to happen. The technology’s decision-making capability is almost equivalent to humans, and the end result is a faster approach to solving complex tasks without human intervention.

AI is here to stay, and it’s not only the businesses, Govt. agencies are also the biggest gainer of this amazing technology. Starting from YouTube & Google to Voice Assist & Traffic Control, you will see the application of AI in every walk of life.

  • Cloud Technology: Without clouds touching the sky would be impossible – jokes apart if the sky’s the limit for your business then cloud-based technology is a must to achieve your end goals. It can help your business to substantially bring down the overall operational costs to a minimum and enhance your digital capabilities. As business moves to the next level, the cloud can be the wheels that help you get there. 
  • Fibre Optic Connections: Another addition to improving communication is fiber optic. With the ultrafast connection, you can experience the real HD by true means. Crystal clear video calling with fine quality audio and no call drops certainly make the conversations a game-changer. With a fiber optic cable, the speed can cruise up to 100 terabytes/second which is close to the speed of light, which was not the case earlier with its copper counterpart. 

In addition to this, fiber optic can cover more miles whereas copper cables are limited to certain numbers that are approx. 100 meters or less. Thus, empowering Tier-II, Tier-III cities, and all the remote locations to leverage the benefits of the faster Internet connection to make substantial communication.

  • Omnichannel Approach: Customers’ expectation has definitely gone up with the digitization, as a result, they are looking for a consistent voice across all platforms from their service providers. From being “shall we have it” to “the must-have’’, the unified solutions have certainly changed the way we are communicating and that change is for good. Nobody likes to repeat the same issue time again, irrespective of the communication channel they use and you may not be an exception. Having said that it definitely increases their frustration level that is not good for your business at all. So, the data should be available for customers irrespective of the time, place, device, and mediums, not vice-versa. And, the omnichannel platform does the rest. 

It’s the responsibility of a business to provide excellent experiences across all formats with extreme convenience. Keeping an eye on the global competitive index, losing a single customer due to “not so good’’ communication can hurt your future perspectives. So, do make sure that you upgrade your current communication system today for a better today & tomorrow. For more info, call: +91-6746828203.