Well, when people were glued to their landlines and could not attend calls on the go, the so-called ‘dark eras’ We’ve come a long way from being a society of phone operators, or even landlines. Isn’t it? At that time a game-changer for the business communication arena is Virtual numbers which are powered by the cloud. 

However, it might seem ambiguous to you about the existence of virtual numbers. But the working of a virtual number is rather simple and beneficial for all types of businesses as complex as the term might seem. 

A Brief Explanation Of Virtual Numbers: 

With no physical presence, Virtual numbers are geographical numbers hosted on cloud servers. They redirect calls to a dedicated service number without being tied to a physical setup which is more commonly known as DID numbers.

However, the call recipient needs to be around their station to attend calls in traditional telephony. And there is no way to reach them in time if they are away. 

However, to a cell tower or a specific device virtual numbers do not require access. These numbers make use of an Internet connection and cloud technology to intelligently route calls and voicemails instead of relying on such infrastructures. So, if they’re on the move it is easier to reach people even. And these numbers can easily be converted into virtual assistants, not just that, with the help of IVR solutions, to take care of all your communication needs. 

How do Virtual Numbers Work?

Well, with background processes that go unnoticed a caller’s experience with a virtual number is identical to a usual phone call. It automatically gets routed to a specific extension or multiple devices, when a call lands on a virtual number, depending on the configuration.  However, these numbers put the availability of agents, can greet callers and even guide them, then inform them about during off-hours with FAQs. And at the same time, one can also add reminders, schedule calls, and attend to multiple customers. Therefore, virtual numbers can facilitate efficient remote working and act as virtual assistants. Last but not least, which is the icing on the cake is these devices need not be present in the same area, and one can even modify them. 

So, you can receive calls on your office device in the morning, and the same call can be redirected to your personal number during off-hours.  The difference between working with traditional and virtual phone numbers also lies in the uniqueness offered by cloud technology. Instead of using local storage options, the cloud allows businesses to access, retrieve and control data from online servers—enabling better control over confidential information. Businesses are also able to enjoy increased access to caller information with the help of online databases. 

Who really needs to use Virtual Numbers?

Basically, namely, every business that relies on telephonic conversations will require a virtual number. If you require a social presence, this solution is definitely a must-have.

Virtual numbers work best for paid ads, accompanied by click-to-call technology. With features like real-time monitoring, scheduled reports, detailed call logs and recordings, and more they let you closely track your paid campaign.

Basic Capabilities:

Virtual numbers have you covered, whether you’re worried about expanding your operations to new locations or shifting to remote work culture. Just Scroll down to know-how:

  • For Businesses:  Well, all without burning a hole in your pocket empower your business with virtual numbers, magnify your reach and improve credibility. With minimal infrastructure, these numbers replace bulky and expensive hardware. So,  just use your cloud-compatible device for which you don’t even need physical servers at your office. So you can establish a local presence for your business by using any area code additionally, these numbers do not have a fixed geographical location. Customers are four times more likely to attend calls from a local virtual number than a number with unfamiliar digits according to Software Advice. Thus, without much effort, a virtual number can help you connect to a larger audience.  

The solution also helps customers get in touch with the right person quickly and saves time in addition to establishing a local presence for your business. But the question arises, HOW?  Well, according to time, type of query, agent preference, etc the smart call routing feature directs calls to the best-suited agent or department.  Hence, you do not lose business in which way virtual assistants never let you miss important calls. However, you can even keep callers informed about your whereabouts and get back to them conveniently with power-packed features such as an auto-attendant and holiday routing. Overall, by saving you costs, offering higher accessibility, and eliminating geographical restrictions your customers can connect with appropriate agents instantly and effortlessly. 

  • For Marketing:  Well, for various channels virtual numbers are capable of tracking marketing campaigns and ROIs. To design effective marketing strategies taking from social media campaigns to online advertising you can assign different numbers to various campaigns and analyze the reports separately. And they can use virtual numbers to track and monitor the performance usually when marketers use A/B testing to change their strategies in accordance with ongoing trends. About customer behavior and preferences, these numbers provide valuable insights.
  • For Communication:  Usually, managing their customer interactions can greatly benefit from this solution whose businesses rely on call centers. However, for both new and existing customers, these virtual assistants act as the first point of contact. And to make support conversations an enhanced experience they provide callers with a human-like experience.  During peak hours the technology streamlines call flows and organize high call traffic, automatically routing callers to the next best available agents by ensuring higher customer satisfaction and timely issue resolution. By masking their contact numbers for the interaction also protects customer and agent identities. Moreover, to enjoy improved performance businesses are able to exercise better control over their business processes.

However, business leaders often spend hefty sums of money and valuable time to find newer and easier ways to perform complex tasks in the quest to stay ahead in a saturated market. And virtual numbers are also gaining popularity with the growing popularity and demand for the cloud.

By eliminating the need for bulky hardware or additional agents allows you to always stay connected with your audience. While increasing your revenue and streamlining your business processes, Virtual numbers also offer greater flexibility and easy scalability. 

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