Are you in search of an effective and simple-to-use IVR System for contact centers? Well, here is your answer. Most people think that the digital revolution in VoIP Telephony Service has already occurred when business communication progressively replaced the traditional landline connections. But how the IVR System for contact centers helps improve your business communication? Right now, the on-going trends are digital and cloud VoIP  based phone systems, but that is not enough for a smooth transition in business communication. The only thing that can help out is boosting the clientele experience with IVR System for contact centers. 

When it comes to user experience, there is no difference between the users making calls through landlines or SIP extension. But the only thing that changes is the cost and the technology. The need for a faster, secure and futuristic communication system increases with the faster moving corporate world. Due to its cost-efficiency, user-friendly features and reliability, most of the Contact Centers are now opting for IVR System to meet their communication needs. But how come a small call center can be so sure of making the right move by choosing an IVR System? 

Why IVR for call centers?

  1. Reduced Workload, Better Efficiency: Sometimes you have been asked by your Boss to give some extra time after the working hours just to attend the customer calls. Right? But this generally draws an angry reaction from the call center employees. Because once you are done for the day, retaining after that hours reduces your efficiency and productivity which will ultimately force them to quit the job. At that moment of time, you might think of paying extra for that extra hour. But will that work for a long time? This is where you would need an IVR system. The only system that reduces the manual effort in call center solutions. The amazing system that helps customers to stay connected round-the-clock without leaving a single unattended call. Are you wondering HOW? Here it is:
  • To make it easier to attend the calls after working hours, the calls are being routed to the concerned agent.
  • Customers can leave messages in voicemail, so that agents can hear them once they are on board.
  • In the absence of agents, IVR plays a crucial role by letting the callers know about the unavailability support staff and assures them an immediate callback. 
  1. Having A Permanent System In Place: When you are running a small call center, it’s quite difficult to hire & manage an increasing number of employees. Because the main issue is storage of funds. So hiring someone just because of attending calls is definitely not a wise decision. Isn’t it? These extra employees will be added to your growing expenditure along with the wastage of resources. Generally, in situations like call centers think of hiring receptionists. Well, with an IVR System in place, you won’t have to. See why: 
  • Never Miss A Call: When you run a call center, it’s quite obvious to have less number of employees to attend the calls. But these lesser number of agents will directly hamper your contact center if anyone fails to attend the call. And when it’s a small call center, then every single customer matters & contributes for business growth. Well, in that case IVR plays the sole role because when one agent is busy, then the call will be automatically directed to the other agent. And it allows a follow up on your missed call by leaving a voice message to your customers when the agent is busy. 
  1. Creating Brand Awareness: Brand awareness is foremost, the way you present your brand in front of the customers, you get the outcome on the basis. When it comes to running a small call center, it matters the most. For which, a regular phone system cannot help rather a IVR can help in building the brand image. For example: when a customer visits your website, the thing the customer does is that he/she will search for the contact number. When he/she dials the number, a professional voice greeting must be there. These are the basic factors that help create a positive image for your brand in the minds of customers. This is how IVR helps to create or build your brand image like the way you exactly want to form.    

Do You Still Need More Reasons to Consider IVR for your call center?

Below are a few more reasons that will definitely clear your doubts about IVR system:

  • It is impossible for agents to remain physically present all the time at call centers to attend the calls. But having an IVR is always a plus point for the agents to receive the calls being anywhere, anytime which makes their work easier. 
  • A fixed landline system forces the agents to stick to their desk every time for attending the call. But it could generate a big trouble for the businesses who always want to promote flexible working culture.
  • Last but not least IVR saves a lot of cost for hiring new people which ultimately helps in saving for a better investment in the near future.

What are you waiting for? Do not hesitate to adapt the IVR system for contact centers which ultimately leads to better call handling and a better calling experience for your clients.   

Being the pioneer in this industry, VoIPTech Solutions ensures a dynamic IVR system for contact centers connection with world-class technology in place. We believe in providing the Best IVR System for contact centers in Kolkata at the most economical price. We all are aware of the fact that the pandemic won’t last forever, so keeping in mind core VoIP Service criteria is important, too. Or we can say that providing an IVR System for employees at their desks. For more info, please call: +91-8800221713.  For more information, please visit our website: