VoIP Service

Communication & collaboration is the “mantra” to grow a business. More importantly, it has become the new norm to maintain productivity, especially when the whole world is on its feet due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the growing need for perfect work-from-home settings, the demand for Indian VoIP Service Providers is sky-high. Well, it can be the difference between a huge success and a business debacle for any organization. 

A VoIP phone system plays a pivotal role in making businesses achieve their main objective with improved efficiency and build a solid workforce that can deliver. Now, you must be wondering, apart from making the voice calls, what else a modern VoIP phone system can do? Well, it can do much more than you could have imagined!

Is your venture going through tough times due to the pandemic? Are you looking for innovative ways to streamline your business communication while reducing the costs to a great extent? Or your company is growing, your client base is increasing, and making a good profit. And, you are exploring new ways to reduce your towering international phone bills. A VoIP Service Provider has the answer to all.

Let’s take a look at how VoIP Service is Changing The Way Businesses Function?

  • Easy Portability of Number: In general, businesses think that switching to a VoIP system means losing your old number, client contact details, & all. But it’s just a myth! You can port all your existing contacts, without paying any extra fees. Your VoIP provider will help you port the numbers and it will be completed within a few days. 
  • Advanced Auto-Provisioning Feature: Setting up the VoIP system for small businesses is quite easy. But when it comes to large size organizations, where the requirement is big, it would take days to get the things done. That’s where the auto-provisioning feature proves handy.
  • With the help of this feature, you can start using the VoIP right away, putting an end to those long waiting. It’s a plug-and-play functionality that centralizes the provision so that you can use them all at once, eliminating the need for those messy wires required for individual settings. You can also set your preferences according to your job requirements and it’s pretty easy.
  • Multi-Point Reg: No doubt auto-provisioning is a great tool for desk phones, but what about those using laptops, smartphones, and tablets? Those whose job role requires them to stay at the desk may not need this, but what about those who travel more often for work commitments. Well, there comes the multi-point registration feature. It allows you to make & take calls from anywhere, at any time on the device of your choice.
  • Unlimited Call Recording Option: Analyzing the recorded calls is critical for any business these days as it helps you get better insights & contribute towards improving the quality of products or services. With a VoIP Phone System, you can record your incoming, outgoing calls and keep them for evaluation without the need for any external hardware or software. And, the best part is, you don’t need to pay any additional fee for the same.
  • Access to Call Logs: This feature lets you track all the calls made from your number by date, time, duration, and more. You can use this data to streamline your business operations or enhance efficiency to a great extent. 
  • Toll-Free Numbers: VoIP phone systems are location-independent. Other than making free calls, you avail of toll-free numbers at a reasonable price that your customers can use to call from any part of the world. Not only large enterprises, the startups & small organizations can take advantage of this feature, by installing a VoIP phone system.

As a whole, VoIP system offers you a complete package that helps make your business communication more effective, secure, & collaborative. With the right VoIP Service Provider, you can go a long way & achieve greater milestones.